Senin, 16 September 2013


lombok like a heaven that nobody know it. hahaha. it's happens to me i lived in lombok since i born but this the first time i came here. pinl beach, like it named the sand is pink, because of the red corals. from mataram to pink beach it takes 2 half hours. and the road is very bad. that is the part time. isn'y if we will find the beautiful one, we will find the bad things first?

i came here with my family, dad, mom, brother, aunty, and my friend aisha, don't forget 2 guides. we brings so many foods, because there weren't store for buy something. when i arrived ican't stop said woooaahhh, woooahhhh, aisha did the same thing. because it's really beautiful. here is the pic!

we came to other islands near pink beach with the boat

eat some food because we are hungry hahaha

star fish^^

Senin, 22 Juli 2013


So this is the last trip, from mayura started 10.00 am to suranadi finish 05.00 pm. we are going to 3 temples. after went to narmada we bought some snack because if we bought in suranadi it will be so expensive, so we stop at minimarket. we had lunch in narmada with pecel (vegetable with peanut sause) and rujak (salad fruit but spicy)
first we take a bath in a pool with cool water. hindu belived it's for clean our body.

after that we changed our clothes to kebaya. 

this is canang for praying..

 suranadi has 2 temple, first it's called pembersihan and second it's called pertirtaan. we can talk from first temple to second temple. u will see a beautiful panorama. aisha said we like orang kampung because take a picture beside field.

 this is sate bulayak, it's yummmyyyyyyyy....!!
with love wulan! next post maybe about bali :p


hello everybody, hope u hve a good day. here is part 2 of chilling time with aisha. this is narmada park. it's hindu temple, and like i said u will got free if u came here with hindu clothes. hehhehe.
you will pay RP. 5000 per person. it's really cheap for saw the beautiful panorama. narmada has many 'bale' (tradisional house) and pools.


i like like a shit here, right aisha
narmada park has a waterspring, if u come to lombok u will see a bottle of water named narmada. and it's true the water from here. narmada park is hindu kingdom so behind aisha is a pool that the princess used for take a bath yeah something like that..
and this is the water that people believe if we drink the water and we will feel like ageless and still young. and aisha said she has felt like reborn. hahhahahaha. try it!

 this is the temple but we can enter with out the hindu clothes >< and it's locked.
in this lake people usually some water attraction. and it's beautiful but i boring see something like this. lol

in this place also has museum. the museum is about people around lombok

lovely aisha said she like this flower

narmada has swimming pool but we must pay

ok that's all. see u in other post. love ya!!!